22 July 2012

Bubble witch Saga Level 165


I used the rainbow and extra ceiling hole potions.
You can't avoid the bombs on this level so you have to go through them!
My strategy was to look carefully at the colour groups before I started and choose the side with the biggest groups of bubbles surrounding the bombs so they were easier to drop.
Then go for it!
Once you can get to one side you can bounce shots and 
get above the bombs on the opposite side.
The bombs are hanging on strands of bubbles which are often in pairs so once you can get above the bombs you can shoot these strands and the whole lot should drop.
Keep a close eye on the detonated bombs. Use the rainbow bubble to drop them if you need to, but don't panic!
Take your time and plan your shots carefully!

Full Screen - Vollbild

Pictures - Bilder

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